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This is no doubt because I have the card & have made use of the card.

I doubted this but decided to give it a try by contacting i signed and went back inside to pick up my car key and drove to a nearest ATM machine to confirmed if the card really work to my greatest surprise it did. I was searching for a loan to sort out my bills & debts, then I saw comments about Blank ATM Credit Cards that can be hacked to withdraw money from any ATM machines around you. And hey.at least you're saving in the white spaces.silver lining people, silver lining. Yes, it uses a lot of ink so use this technique sparingly (we figured dad was worth it). If you'd like another color - just change that background square. You just use white paper and change the color of your background square.obviously this would be if you want a red background. Well, you don't actually use colored paper. So now you're wondering.how to print white font on colored paper. (BTW I cut my piece down to size and then mounted it on a piece of white card stock to make it a little thicker.which is why you see a white border on top and bottom.) So all that text you see right there <<< that's actually the white paper peeking through.Īh ha.tricked you printer - and that's my hack to print white text on a black background. Am I making any sense here? Yeah, I didn't think so.Īnyway, what I realized was.if I printed this same black background with white font on white paper, the white text would actually show up as negative space and thus the white paper would shine through all that black ink. Where the text was supposed to be I could actually see it was negative space - in other words I could see the actual paper instead of ink for the font. That's when I noticed there looked like a black square on the black paper. I tried this on black construction paper and the paper looked like nothing had been printed on it - even though I had selected white text.
Stretch black sqaure to fit the full page (As you know by now.I am a sucker for PowerPoint.) Instead of MS Word so you can more easily manipulate the shapes and text. (Wait til I tell you the other life hacks she shared!) To easily make the black square in the background try using a program like Powerpoint or PhotoShop

My neighbor stopped over, saw my distress, and suggested putting aīlack square behind the white text in the word processing program I was
So how to print white text on a black background.This had me scratching my head and running around like a mad woman as time was running out. You can't just stick a black piece of paper (or any other non-white sheet of paper) into the printer and get white text by selecting white or even a shade of near-white for your text. But if you've ever tried to print white font you know it's not actually as simple as it seems like it should be. What I wanted to do was print out a document that looked like a blackboard with white chalkboard font. So this isn't so much a DIY project as much as it is a tip and trick that I learned today as I was attempting to make a DIY Father's Day gift for my husband.